Players Code of Conduct

As a MACH 1 player, I understand that the adjustment between being ordinary player and an extraordinary player requires extra effort and determination. I understand that wanting to win on game day is worth nothing unless I have the will to prepare to win before game day. So that I may become the best player and team member that I am capable of becoming I promise to do the following:

These pledges are promises that you make to your teammates and coaches for the full soccer season..

  • I will challenge myself to be the best player that I can be, at both practices and games.
  • I will make every effort within my control to attend all team activities.
  • I will learn to understand and accept my role within the team concept.
  • I will keep my priorities in order: Family, Church, Academics, & then Soccer!
  • I will always encourage and never criticize my teammates.
  • I will display the highest standards for sportsmanship at practice and games, regardless of the outcome of either.
  • I understand that proper time management is required to excel on the soccer field and in the classroom.
  • I will abide by the decisions of my Coaches in the best interest of the team.
  • I will focus on how I played, not how much I played.